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Business hotel tomoizumi (ビジネスホテル朋泉) phone number and contact number

Business hotel tomoizumi

Business Hotel Tomoizumi (ビジネスホテル朋泉)

Japan hotels > Chiba pref hotels > Katori city hotels


Check in time: 2:00 PMCheck out time: 10:00 AM. A streamlined restaurant/bar has tatami floors and chabudai dining tables. A 10 minute walk from Sawara train station, this informal business hotel on a leafy property in a residential neighborhood is 8 km from the Suigō Sawara Aquatic Botanical Garden. Other amenities consist of a shared kitchen, coin operated laundry facilities and a gender segregated communal bathhouse. Breakfast is extra. Covered parking is complimentary. The snug, straightforward rooms come with free Wi Fi, flat screen TVs and minifridges, as well as desks; some add kitchenettes
Japanese (日本人)
住宅街の緑豊かな敷地に建つカジュアルなビジネスホテル。佐原駅から徒歩 10 分、水郷佐原あやめパークから 8 km。温かみのあるシンプルな客室は、無料の Wi Fi、薄型テレビ、ミニ冷蔵庫、机を完備。ミニキッチン付きの客室もある。屋内駐車場を無料で利用できる。簡素な作りのレストランは畳敷きで座卓の座敷タイプ。館内には共用キッチン、コイン ランドリー、男女交代制の大浴場もある。チェックイン時刻: 14:00チェックアウト時刻: 10:00.

Haneda Airport 1 hr 20

水郷潮来あやめ園 19 min

Museum Of Aeronautical Sciences 35 min
Aeronautical museum featuring flight simulators replica planes & a wide variety of modern aircraft.

小江戸さわら舟めぐり 20 min

水郷佐原あやめパーク 16 min

Naritasan Park 31 min

Kashima Jingu 31 min

成田山新勝寺 34 min
10 世紀の寺院と色彩豊かな三重塔がある複合施設。ガイドによる無料の案内もある。

Tadataka Ino Memorial Museum 19 min

佐原の町並み 19 min

Sakuranoyama Park 32 min
Departing & arriving planes can be watched from this public park also known for its cherry blossoms.

Phone Number

Katori City - Business Hotel Tomoizumi Phone Number

Web Site

Katori City - Business Hotel Tomoizumi Web Address
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Chiba Pref.,Katori City,Sawara-ho 1199


Lat: 35.898277 Lng: 140.488495


Katori City - Business Hotel Tomoizumi Maps
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